Queue Predictor

Predict, when you are in a queue, when will be your turn

Queue Predictor Predict, when you are in a queue, when will be your turn
Current Release
RELEASE 1.1.3 (April 16, 2021)
Requires iOS:
iOS 9
Optimized for:
iOS 14
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Queue Predictor lets you predict, when you are in a queue, when will be your turn.

It is useful in many situations such as in a queue at the post office or similar places serving people using a progressive numeric ticket call.

Queue Predictor allows you to go elsewhere with your ticket number and know when your turn is approaching, to be back in time for your turn (based on a statistical prediction)

Queue Predictor automatically stores data about any place you stay in a queue and when you come back Queue Predictor has stats data about the place and is able to start predict your turn immediately as soon as you input your ticket number, the number currently served and the number of stations serving people.

Queue Predictor use a graphic display, showing the queue, to visualise your position and when will be your turn.

It's easy to use and even fun when you are in a queue waiting for your turn that never comes..

Copyright © Roberto Panetta. All right reserved. Ecleti di Panetta Salvatore Roberto P.IVA:IT10337860968